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Saturday 4 June 2011

My Girlfriend

Thou hast su me extend a helping hand
In this moment or I was not going well
From our laughter, our faiths
Is born from a affection
In our sadness, our complicity
Is born our friendship
But it is not that this rest
A simple password to six letters

If a day thou art in distress
Do not hesitate to get a S. O. S.
Even if I don't find the words
Those who make the world more beautiful
Even if i am clumsy
Thou mayest always count on me

Do not let the disease
Take the not on thy life
And if today thy tears are salted
Tomorrow they te earn sweet
In a mad Farandole
All thy friends gathered
We will celebrate your new life

My friend thou gavest me rescued
While i thought i was lost
My friend thou gavest me aid
And ca i do the never forget
As far as thou be
I'd make sure Always on thee.

Pour Ook

Pour ceux d'entre vous qui ont connu et aimé le bill, qui, si vous lui savait généralement vous n'avez pas pu aider, mais l'amour lui, il ne sera pas surprise que notre dernière conversation était de ass-moins chap.

Et des sushis.

Mais surtout le chap. les détails de la raison pour laquelle ne sont pas d'importance (il avait à faire avec cuir gadget vous couvre perv) mais l'important, c'est Bill indomptable de capacité pour s'amuser, à divertir, et de se connecter avec vous.

Il a été mon confident, mon frère-dans-coeur, et plus important encore mon ami.

C'est un dur envisageant une journée sans son snark et sa bonne humeur.

Encore plus difficile de dire Au revoir.

Je vais m'asseoir ici, avec cette amende bouteille de spiritueux (qui il aurait beaucoup aimé : le rhum + Horchata = Rumchata !!!) et de se concentrer sur les choses qui faisaient de lui un brillant partie de notre vie, et non pas la tache sombre gauche derrière par sa perte.

Donc, c'est pour vous, et la prochaine fois que nous nous réunissons le Sushi est sur moi. (mais seulement si vous portez les "joues basses" comme vous l'avez promis.)

Le Cancer salope prend occupé

Je veux dire, occupé comme dans nettoyage de printemps. Obtenir votre esprit hors de la gouttière!
De toute façon, la plus récente Johns Hopkins visite était beaucoup comme la dernière. Allés de l'avant, a mon CT scan et attendu pour le médecin. Il regorge de, me semble plus et dit, "et bien je crois que nous vous tiendrons off chimiothérapie pour un mois ou deux. Revenir à la fin de juin et nous allons voir comment il va." Après qu'il laisse, Steve et je regarde chaque d'autres. "Ce qu'est-ce que cela veut dire? ".

Eh bien, je suppose que je ne suis pas guéri, mais je suppose que je ne suis pas s'aggrave pas. Sursis!

J'ai deux nouveaux obsessions - nettoyage de la chambre (pas plus encombrer) et "jeu des trônes" sur la chaîne HBO. Il a été décrit comme "le Seigneur des anneaux" si elle ont été produites par "Playboy." Jason Momoa (lekhal drogo) est assez génial ! Il est, apparemment, Lisa bonet du garçon jouet.

Je veux dire, occupé comme dans nettoyage de printemps. Obtenir votre esprit hors de la gouttière!
De toute façon, la plus récente Johns Hopkins visite était beaucoup comme la dernière. Allés de l'avant, a mon CT scan et attendu pour le médecin. Il regorge de, me semble plus et dit, "et bien je crois que nous vous tiendrons off chimiothérapie pour un mois ou deux. Revenir à la fin de juin et nous allons voir comment il va." Après qu'il laisse, Steve et je regarde chaque d'autres. "Ce qu'est-ce que cela veut dire? ".

Eh bien, je suppose que je ne suis pas guéri, mais je suppose que je ne suis pas s'aggrave pas. Sursis!

J'ai deux nouveaux obsessions - nettoyage de la chambre (pas plus encombrer) et "jeu des trônes" sur la chaîne HBO. Il a été décrit comme "le Seigneur des anneaux" si elle ont été produites par "Playboy." Jason Momoa (lekhal drogo) est assez génial ! Il est, apparemment, Lisa bonet du garçon jouet.

Sunday 21 November 2010

Mesothelioma Treatments - Some Basic Facts

Before we discuss about mesothelioma treatments, it is important to have an understanding of what is mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer of the lung tissue and abdominal area caused by exposure to asbestos fibers. We need 30-40 years for this cancer to appear after exposure to asbestos. It is important to treat this cancer in early stages otherwise it proves fatal. Mesothelioma treatments are surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

There are two types of operations for treatment of mesothelioma, aggressive surgery and palliative surgery. Before performing an operation, it is necessary to examine the heart and lungs working properly. Of the two types, aggressive surgery, also known as pneumonectomy, complicated surgery performed on younger patients who are good health and can withstand surgery. Pneumonectomy involves removal of extra pleural membrane. The main objective of this treatment of mesothelioma is to physically remove a tumor as possible.

Procedures for the palliative treatment of malignant mesothelioma is known as Pleurectomy. It is done in the early stages of cancer. This process of mesothelioma is the surgical removal of the pleura. However, related procedures to reduce and control symptoms rather than cure the disease. This surgery reduces the pain caused by the tumor mass and helps prevent the recurrence of pleural effusion. Complete removal of tumor is not possible with this procedure.

Chemotherapy is a method for treatment of mesothelioma makes the combined use of certain drugs to shrink the tumor. Although some patients show only partial success of this method has certain combinations of chemotherapy drugs have been successful. Researchers have developed new chemotherapy drugs for mesothelioma treatment.

Radiotherapy is a treatment of mesothelioma, which uses nuclear radiation to destroy cancer cells and reduces tumor. However, radiotherapy is a very difficult process. It can damage healthy cells of the heart, lungs and other vital organs surrounded by radiation dosage. Dual therapy includes chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and combining the cut. This combination allows you to kill remaining cancer cells left after surgery and relieve symptoms such as pain.

Mesothelioma treatments can be very expensive. However, patients suffering from mesothelioma and other asbestos based diseases can sue for damages, medical expenses, lost income, lost earning capacity, pain and suffering. Victims of mesothelioma can take the help of an experienced asbestos lawyers put the defendants, the persons or companies responsible for asbestos exposure.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

California mesothelioma attorneys

Mesothelioma is a common form of cancer. This cancer, malignant cells develop protective mesotholium responsible for most of the internal organs of the body. Victims develop mesothelioma asbestos dust, or prolonged exposure to asbestos means fibers.In others, such as washing, by a family member to asbestos.

Concisenesses breath and pain in the chest by an expansion of the fluid in the pleural space are often symptoms. Typically, these symptoms does not mean that 20 to 30 years after the release of asbestos.

Mesthelioma diagnosis is often difficult because the symptoms are similar to other illnesses. There are a lot of workers outside the company's asbestos. The employee receives compensation for their lives in pain and suffering. California mesothelioma lawyers, mesothelioma can be victims of justice.

Mesothelioma practices to safeguard the privileges of people and excessive compensation. When handling complaints should be pursued known California mesothelioma lawyers, mesothelioma can be a good thing.

In the American legal system has done to asbestos and the effects of exposure, it is desirable that the case against the company. For this disease, patients and parents at the California mesothelioma. It is a general term economic consequences for the applicant and the colony, you can expect. If necessary, the attorneys mesothelioma California customer can enjoy a private detective to find out if the show took place. With a little research, it is generally in a position in a company or companies responsible for the issue. In this scenario, a lawyer mesothelioma of California will be contacted by phone or visit Web sites containing information on mesothelioma attorneys in California. The majority of mesothelioma lawyers in California, based on performance pay, which is something that for many customers.

Thursday 4 November 2010

How to choose a mesothelioma law firm

How to choose a mesothelioma law close to represent you in back gluttonous advantage for asbestos exposure.

Quite a few mesothelioma specialist law firms accept emerged in the acknowledged arena. Any anatomy adversity from mesothelioma or carefully knows addition who has this ache knows how traumatizing it is physically and mentally.

Hence abutting a law close requires a lot of effort, time and motivation. You don’t appetite to decay your time in attractive about for law firms who accept no abstraction what they are talking about. Since every minute of the day becomes invaluable for mesotheliomic patients, accordingly actuality are some quick pointers back allotment a law close to represent you back gluttonous advantage for asbestos exposure.

Go for a law close that has a abundant accord of acquaintance with mesothelioma action cases. Refrain from handing in your accusation affirmation to your ancestors advocate as mesotheliomic cases crave appropriate ability and expertise.

Your lawyer ought to be able to explain to you the legal language and terminology in elementary terms. This is important so that you are aware every step of the way about the proceedings.

Your law firm and lawyers ought to be sensitive and have nice listening skills to hear you out thoroughly and in great detail. in case you notice that your lawyers are paying cursory attention to your mesothelioma nightmare and are brushing you off, then you ought to show them the door.

Your specialist law firm ought to give you many legal options to go for. You may either file a claim individually or you may join a group of affected people and file a claim. Your lawyer may recommend that you concur to out of court settlement or participate in a full-fledged legal trial.

Your representative law firm ought to ask you to give them definite work related evidences and medical proofs such as your employment contract, your earlier pay slips, your appraisal reports, your medical records, your diagnostic check results, your biopsy reports and your organ tissue analysis results. All this will strengthen your case in a major way.

Your lawyer also ought to clearly tell you all about the expenses that may be involved while dealing with such a type of special legal case. Usually lawyers are paid on a contingency basis and take their fees only in the event that they win the case.se pointers in mind, you should hopefully area in on a appropriate law close that can get you able advantage for asbestos exposure.

Thus befitting all these pointers in mind, you should hopefully area in on a appropriate law close that can get you able advantage for asbestos exposure.

Sunday 31 October 2010

Treatment for Peritoneal Mesothelioma

peritoneal mesothelioma is a relatively rare form of malignant mesothelioma, which is 20 to 25 percent of mesothelioma cases diagnosed. This type of mesothelioma affects the cells of peritoneal mesothelioma, also known as the peritoneum, which is the membrane that lines the abdominal cavity wall. In this area of the body of the mesothelium membrane supports and protects organs in the abdomen. The peritoneum consists of two layers, called visceral and parietal layers. The parietal layer is an outer layer covering the abdominal cavity, while the visceral layer covers the internal organs and intestinal tract.

All types of mesothelioma are caused by the presence of microscopic asbestos fibers more frequently in the human body by inhalation. These fibers are issued by the deterioration of asbestos or material is broken, they can float in a cloud of dust for a long time, and are ignored when inhaled. Here's how to enter the lungs and cause pleural mesothelioma in the lining of the lung. It is less clear how these fibers work their way into the abdominal cavity.

You may be ingested in some way and make your way through the intestinal tract, passing through the lungs to the outer layer. It was also suggested that pass through the body through the lymphatic system. In any case, when you hold in the peritoneum, which can cause a variety of symptoms and possibly lead to abnormal cell growth, malignant.

Although the general nature of the diffuse peritoneal mesothelioma, surgical removal is still the best option if the disease is at a stage where most or all of the malignant tissue can be removed. Situations where all the diseased tissue can be removed as far as possible, was taken and the procedure called "debulking". If possible"intracavity"chemotherapy during the surgical process in more detail for malignant target areas are still upset.

For most patients with peritoneal mesothelioma has metastasized into a body similar to treatment is palliative, and is designed to reduce the rate at which cancer spreads. If the operation is relatively successful and the following treatment has any effect on survival time can be extended beyond two years. For the partial resection of the survival period is much shorter.

In cases where surgery and chemotherapy are appropriate treatment options, palliative therapy is used to relieve symptoms, but these treatments can slow the progression of cancer. These types of treatments are used only for the treatment of pain and relieving symptoms such as accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity.

It's hard to find a survival period, the figures are the result of a large sample. However, the consensus seems to be that the survival of post-operative peritoneal mesothelioma is better, on average, pleural mesothelioma. Research conducted in Great Britain was followed by five patients during the 1998-2007 pm, which was cut by resection of peritoneal mesothelioma, chemotherapy followed by a complete program. Eight patients had partial resection or debulking, malignant tissues, and eight had a complete resection. The median time of survival for the partial removal of tumor tissue was the year, while patients with complete resection was 3.7 years. Each figure is clearly higher than the rates of survival for patients with pleural mesothelioma.